Jefferson County Midget Football Association - DBA Jeffco Youth Football Assoc.  



This organization shall be known as the Jeffco Midget Football Association Inc., a nonprofit corporation in Jefferson County, Colorado, hereinafter called JMFA aka Jeffco Youth Football Association JYFA


The objective of the association is to organize, schedule, and conduct a football program for children between 1st thru 8th grade who meet the JYFA eligibility.


The JYFA shall consist of the following levels of organization and membership.

  1. 1. Voting Area:

The areas shall consist of the individual football teams formed within geographic boundaries of the areas as defined by Article VIII of these By- Laws. A football team within an area shall consist of children eligible to play football in accordance with JYFA By-Laws and rules of play. Each said area shall be known as an area association, and shall be governed by an Area Board of Directors, hereinafter called the Area Board which can also be governed by a sports association of multiple sports within that area. An area association must be in good standing in accordance with all JYFA rules and By-Laws to have Voting Area designation. Voting Areas will have full membership in JYFA including voting rights for all rule and by-law changes.


The JYFA shall consist of the area associations and shall be governed by a Board of Directors, hereinafter called the County Board. The County Board shall consist of elected county officials and two representatives from each Area Association, one of who shall be the Area Association President/Director, the other a County representative as defined in Article IV, Section 2. In addition, the immediate past President of the County Board shall automatically be a non-voting member of the County Board for one (1) calendar year.


A membership shall be extended to any elected office in JYFA, if said officer is currently an area Voting member


Probationary Area status may be granted to an area association whom does not meet the current requirements to be a Voting Member. Probationary Membership may be granted by a simple majority vote of the JYFA Voting Areas present for the vote. These areas will not have voting rights until the JYFA rules and By-Laws are met and or Voting Area membership is granted in accordance with JYFA rules and By-Laws


An honorary membership may, at the discretion of the County Board and/or Area Board, be extended to any other person, firm, partnership, corporation or other business entity interested in supporting the objectives of JYFA.



County Officers of the Jeffco Youth Football Assoc.:

The following shall be elected officers of the Board of Directors of the Jeffco Midget Football Association, Inc.(JYFA):


         1. President

         2. Vice President

         3. Secretary (appointed by President with approval of the Board)

         4. Treasurer

         5. Such offices as the County Board may deem necessary



The officers shall be elected from the County Board. An exception may be made where a particularly qualified person could benefit the association by being elected to an office.

JYFA coaches who have been elected to serve as President of the County Board will not be allowed to serve as the head coach of a team during their term of office.

JYFA coaches who have been elected to serve as an officer of the County

Board will be allowed to coach with the following restrictions:

  1. a. May not serve on a protest committee that involves the area the officer is coaching for, the age group and division they are coaching in, or the opponent area of which they will face for the upcoming games for the remainder of the regular season.
  1. b. May not participate in a position that may influence the outcome of a game, e.g. participate in the assigning of officials for games
  2. May not be involved in activities that are based upon factual information and the displaying or announcing of said information.
  3. May not be Treasurer of the county board.
  4. May not be a member of an area member board
  5. May not be a part of the playoff selection/tie breaker procedures
  6. In addition, the coach/officer may not be a part of an activity that two-thirds of the board votes to disallow
  7. If the coach becomes suspended for acts that are in violation of the JYFA Code of Ethics, JYFA Honor and Integrity Program, or any such similar program at the time, the coach/officer will be placed on probation without a review or vote.

If a coach/officer is suspended for a second infraction, a review committee will be convened to consider one of the following penalties:

1. Two year suspension from JYFA,

2. Lifetime ban from JYFA


Prior to December 31 of each calendar year, the County Board shall, by a majority vote of the members present, elect all officers of the County Board.


Each member of the County Board shall be entitled to one vote at meetings of the County Board as long as the member is from an area that meets all requirements to be an area/area in good standing (ie. Minimum number of teams, assessments paid, etc.) and except that the presiding officer may exercise a vote only if necessary to break a tie among those present.


Each officer of the County Board shall maintain such books and records as may be appropriate to their office and shall be expected to attend all meetings of the County Board and shall give a full and complete report of their activities to the County Board on request. The duties of the officers set forth below shall be subject to such modifications as the County Board may from time to time determine. It shall be the duty of each officer upon completion of their term, resignation, or removal, to turn over all of their books and records in the County Board or to their successor.


  1. President: The President shall call and preside at meetings of the County Board. They shall be responsible for assignments of all committees necessary to oversee and guide the activities of the JYFA. The President shall appoint a person who shall collect scores of all games each week of scheduled play and for the reporting of same, either to local newspapers and/or the JYFA.
  2. Vice President(s): The Vice President(s) shall assist the President and discharge all the duties of the President in the absence of that off
  3. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the list of all members and shall record proceedings of the meeting of the County Board. The Secretary shall also attend to such correspondence and reports as may be required
  4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be charged with the responsibility of collections, assessment of fees from all area associations, and keeping a record of all financial transactions. They shall furnish such financial statements as may be required by the County Board or the U.S. Board of Internal Revenue Service. He/she shall pay bills only upon approval of the County Board and upon presentation of suitable vouchers, receipts or invoices. All checks in excess of $2,000.00 shall have two signatures from the following officers: President, Vice President or Treasurer.




The County Board shall meet at least every other month throughout the calendar year and otherwise at the call of the President when requested by three (3) or more members of the County Board. The last meeting of each year shall be for the purpose of electing officers for the following year and to adopt any By-Law changes. It shall be the duty of the County Board to exercise supervision of all areas included in the JYFA and set out county wide policies, to determine areas of responsibility and discretion within which the area associations also may act, to elect officers to carry out the policies, to determine scheduling of games, to hire referees, and to carry out such other duties as may from time to time become necessary.



The scheduling committee shall consist of one member from each area and the County Board of Directors.


Any officer of the County Board may serve a maximum of three (3) terms in any office of the County Board.


No two people from the same area will serve on the County Board of Directors at the same time.




In all meetings called by any of the authorized officers or board members of

JYFA, Robert’s Rules of Order and Parliamentary Procedure shall be followed

insofar as is applicable.


The location of the principal office of the JYFA shall be maintained at the residence of the President of the County Board or at an official published location. 


The Secretary of the County Board may be compensated in an amount to be set by the County Board.


An audit of the financial records of the County Board shall be conducted at the end of the calendar year by a committee appointed by the President. An audit also shall be conducted in the event of the office of the county treasurer changing hands.


All Rule and By-Law changes may be introduced during any monthly county board meeting by an area in good standing or the county executive board.  A simple majority vote by areas in good standing present and or submitted to the county secretary electronically prior to the scheduled meeting is required for adoption of rules.  By-Law changes will require a two thirds majority vote for adoption I the same manner as rules.  Rule change proposals may be subject to pre-approved by a rules committee designated by the county president prior to presentation to the county board for consideration.

Rule changes passed after the June County board meeting will take effect the following season.  By-Law changes that are passed will take effect immediately.